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Who are we?

Created in 1986, the Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (ABTO) is a civil, non-profit medical society, whose main objective is to stimulate the development of all activities related to organ transplantation in Brazil, contributing to the establishment of norms, as well as the creation and improvement of legislation related to the subject.

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Comunicado sobre o transplante do Fausto Silva
Congresso de Istambul

Coletiva de imprensa de Lançamento RBT Ano 2023


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Research the numbers of organ and tissue transplants and donations in Brazil, in the Brazilian Registry of Transplants (RBT).
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ABTO transplantes

Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto realiza transplante de rim número 2.000

18 June 2024
O Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto (SP), que integra o segundo […]
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ABTO apoia projeto baseado em evidência para retardar a parada cardíaca em potenciais doadores de órgãos com morte cerebral.

18 February 2024
Para ler o texto completo, acesse o link
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Visita de Martin Börgel

15 February 2024
Nos dias 31/01 e 01/02/2024, recebemos a visita de Martin Börgel, Presidente da EATB/European Association of Tissue Banks e Secretário Geral da WUTBA / World Union of Tissue Banking Associations.
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